I told a friend he had to stop pilfering all of my pens and pencils. He pulled out his new rainbow set of pens and told me I could have a few as recompense. He pointed to the pink one and said “You can definitely have that one.”
Why not the pink one? If he wanted a set of highly visible inks, wouldn’t he have bought some black rollerballs? Is he embarrassed to be seen using a pink pen? What’s so embarrassing about a color?
What is so embarrassing about a color?
Blue is the color of water-bodies (and so much else); its meaning can’t be manipulated much because we already associate it with many things. Pink is fairly uncommon in nature, and thereby is more mouldable by businesses and social movements: without preexisting stuff to associate to pink, people have much more freedom to decide what pink SHOULD mean.
There are not that many naturally-occuring pink things. But there are some:
Tourmaline, Spinel, and Other Gemstones
Triboniophorus Affinis Graeffei (aka Giant Pink Slug. Good one, evolution.)
The Pink Lake
Underripe Strawberries
Lips, Cheeks, and Other Fleshy Things
…Or, the shorthand version:
Things in Australia
NPR blamed marketing for gendering pink. But I think pink kind of already had it coming. Pink is tied down to the real world by things of a sensuous nature (sights, smells, textures, tastes, etc.). If pink is inherently sensuous, and we deeply associate feminineness to sensuousness (not that we should, per se, but that we do)…transitive property?
[Aside: Aradhna Krishna differentiates sensuousness from the sexual connotation we often ascribe to it, calling it anything “of or related to the senses.” She deserves credit for my self-discovery as a sensuist: I experience and appreciate sensory experiences more strongly than most.]