Jewelry Updates

It’s been a creative evening! Tonight I launched my new Square Market storefront for Dragonfly, and I’m super stoked about it.

a) I don’t have to pay a monthly subscription for it (unlike Etsy)

b) it’s GORG

So basically a win-win.

I just now have to phase out my Etsy slowly…..

I also tested the abilities of my iPhone camera and was impressed at how non-sucky the photos turned out. Here are a few of my faves from the ‘shoot’:


Not too shabby, eh? I’m impressed; the iPhone camera is pretty un-freaking believable in comparison to the cameras of phones from even years-countable-on-my-hands ago. Like this one:


Dear god.


As I’ve said. Many things have improved since then.

Like my ability to not take selfies trying on men’s boxers with my middle-school Science Olympiad team tshirt on in what I believe is the changing room of Old Navy.